Supporting India

Here are resources shared by ACCP members to support COVID relief efforts in India.

·         Act Grants is working to distribute oxygen throughout India.

·         ActionAid Association has a relief fund to provide oxygen supply, medicine, and food.

·         AID India has a COVID relief fund.

·         Airlink is working to transport aid cargo and providing tactical coordination support.

·         Akshaya Patra is providing food relief.

·         American India Foundation has developed a three-pronged Emergency Response Strategy Phase 2 to address the crisis in India.

·         Americares has an emergency 2x match for aid to India.

·         Business Fights Poverty has a page for India and COVID-19 support that includes five ways to help as well as a list of organizations you can support that are providing oxygen-related supplies and other needs to India.

·         CAF India launched a humanitarian appeal to support the nation’s fight against COVID-19.

·         CARE India is supporting make-shift COVID facilities.

·         Concern India Foundation is working towards strengthening public health institutions by providing protective equipment and tools enabling them to treat and manage COVID-19 patients.

·         Direct Relief is shipping medical aid to India.

·         Disasters Emergency Committee is working to support India’s health system.

·         Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has scaled up its intervention efforts in India.

·         Enrich Lives Foundation is raising funds for grocery kits.

·         Feeding India by Zomato is helping hospitals and patients with oxygen and related supplies.

·         Give2Asia is supporting local NGO response efforts in India.

·         GiveIndia launched ICRF-2 to support gaps in healthcare and other critical needs.

·         GlobalGiving has an India COVID-19 relief fund.

·         Global Impact established a COVID-19 relief fund.

·         Goonj is providing support to communities affected by COVID

·         HelpAge India is working to support the elderly population in India.

o   American Friends of HelpAge India is a US nonprofit supporting their efforts.

·         Help India Breath and Janvikas are working together to get medical supplies to India.

·         International Medical Corps is providing medial equipment and supplies.

·         Oxfam India and Oxfam America are working to address immediate, intermediate, and long-term needs.

· is enabling last mile delivery for oxygen.

·         Rise Against Hunger India is working to provide meals and resources to end hunger in India.

·         Save the Children India is supporting vulnerable families and children.

·         Sewa International is raising funds for supplies and much-needed medical equipment like oxygen-concentrators and ventilators.

·         Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled is distributing relief kits, food packets, and health kits.

·         Smile Foundation is working to mitigate hunger through dry ration kits.

·         SNEHA is working on improving the health of the communities they serve focusing on pregnant women, malnourished children, and anemic women and adolescents.

·         Swasth is fundraising to supply oxygen concentrators where they are needed most.

·         The Desai Foundation is mobilizing to address the immediate needs of the populations in Gujarat & Maharashtra.

·         UNICEF USA Is sending supplies and equipment to critical care centers in India.

·         United Way India is fundraising to support medical equipment, hygiene kits, and food kits.

·         United Way Worldwide has an India COVID-19 relief fund.

·         U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation has a list of immediate health needs, a link to coordinate in-kind company donations, and a list of organizations to support through direct cash donations.

·         WHO has developed the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. 

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