Request For Speakers

2022 ACCP Annual Corporate Citizenship Conference RFP

Submission Deadline: April 8, 2022

Speakers may submit multiple RFPs for consideration. If you choose to submit multiple RFPs, you must fill out an RFP form for each individual session. Completion of an RFP does not confirm acceptance as a speaker at an ACCP event. 

Speaker Profile
Speaker Name:
Speaker Preferred Name (if applicable):
Speaker Pronouns:
Speaker Email:
Speaker Company:
Speaker Title:
Speaker Phone:
Job Scope:
We want our programs to reflect the rich diversity of identities and experiences that make up our field, and for attendees of all backgrounds to see themselves represented and included in our work. We actively seek to diversify our speakers to bring more voices to the table. Please let us know how you identify (optional):
Main Contact, if different from above
Main Contact Name:
Main Contact Pronouns:
Main Contact Email:
Main Contact Company:
Main Contact Title:
Main Contact Phone:
Co-Speaker Profile
Co-Speaker Name:
Co-Speaker Email:
Co-Speaker Company:
Co-Speaker Title:
Co-Speaker Phone:
Session Content:
Session Title
Session Description:
3 Key Takeaways from your session:
Content Focus: (Hold shift to select multiple)
Speaking Fee (if applicable):
Relevant Speaking Experience & Examples:
Intended Audience: (Hold shift to select multiple)
In-Person or Virtual?: This year we are providing both an in-person and virtual conference experience, please select the modality you would like to participate. For questions, please email (Hold shift to select multiple)
Session Format: (Hold shift to select multiple)
How do you plan to engage the audience in your session?:
Estimated Length:
Additional Information:

The speaker or submitter must check each of the boxes to signify agreement to the following statements:

If selected, I understand that my Conference presentation is not a showcase to solicit or promote my business, practice, or product, and I will not use my presentation to promote my business, practice, event, or product, and I will not sell my products (other than pre-approved, relevant books) or services from the speaker platform.

If selected, I will not have a speaker substitution without prior consent from ACCP.

I acknowledge that if selected, my session will be recorded and posted on a firewalled site open only to Conference registrants. They will be able to stream, but not download, these recordings and able to download optional materials provided to them, for up to one (1) year post-event.

I warrant and represent that my presentation and its contents, including photographs, are my own original work and do not violate the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of any third party. In the event that I have made or make use of the intellectual property of any third party in my presentation, I warrant and represent that I have secured their prior consent to use the same and properly attributed credit to them. In the event of a third-party claim made against ACCP and which arises out of the contents of, or which asserts that my presentation violates another party’s copyrights or other intellectual property rights, I will indemnify and hold harmless ACCP from any such claim and any and all damages, losses, judgments, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees arising out of or resulting from such claim.

I am able to access and utilize Zoom through my company or personal computer for the virtual Conference.

Signature: (please type in your name)

Thank you for your submission.