Qualifications and Ideal Characteristics of Incoming Board Members
Basic Qualifications
Able to strengthen ACCP by bringing deep and significant Corporate Citizenship experience to the table. Has a demonstrated track record of integrating company’s citizenship work with core business operations and functions.
Demonstrated track record leading the creation and implementation of innovative, integrated programs and business solutions.
Has served on other non-profit boards and has a track record of positive contributions.
- Serves as the #1 in Corporate Citizenship in a company; scope includes some dimensions of ESG beyond community relations, contributions, and/or volunteerism.
Basic Qualifications
Has demonstrated knowledge of the Corporate Citizenship field and is well informed on issues and trends. Leads with a perspective that is based on the alignment between business and society.
Strategic thinker that easily analyzes issues, creates frameworks for decision making, and has a capacity for innovative thinking to generate new ideas and help them come to fruition.
- Has a unique perspective on the future of corporate citizenship and provides thought leadership that may drive the changing nature of the profession.
Basic Qualifications
Brings the strengths of personal, expert and positional influence to bear. Demonstrates success influencing senior level decisions makers, both internally and externally.
Has vision and is flexible to lead or support change.
Builds consensus and contributes insights that inspire others, attracts support and buy-in
Comfortable challenging the status quo in a thoughtful way; demonstrates leadership of organizational growth and change.
Basic Qualifications
- Highly regarded and respected; brings a positive reputation that reflects on ACCP’s credibility.
- Brings the attention of others to ACCP – is sought after by media, as a speaker, and as a contributing thought leader in corporate citizenship.
Basic Qualifications
- Is well connected with other leaders in corporate citizenship including other companies and citizenship leaders, peer industry groups and other potential partners that can help to advance ACCP’s mission.
Willing to tap into professional network to actively recruit members, supporters, and partners that help ACCP achieve its mission.
Basic Qualifications
Is a member in good standing.
Prioritizes Board and committee meeting attendance. Willing to follow through on commitments in a timely manner.
Is a conscientious steward who is informed, available, and engaged with ACCP and in the field and who will enthusiastically champion the association. Willing to represent ACCP internally and externally.
Has the internal authority to make financial and non-financial commitments to ACCP on behalf of the member company, e.g. pro-bono resources, hosting an event, sponsoring activities, etc.
- Willing to commit financial resources to ACCP annually, e.g. conference or event sponsorship, and to encourage peer companies to do the same.
How to Apply
The Board seeks to identify diverse, qualified candidates for our Board on an ongoing basis, to be considered for election on an annual cycle. The effectiveness of ACCP’s Board lies in its inclusivity and the unique composition of its members and their diverse personal and professional assets that round out the Board’s profile as a whole.
Individuals from member companies may nominate themselves for a 3-year term on the ACCP Board beginning in March 2024 by following the process outlined:
Step 1: Submit and Review Nominations for Board Seat
September 7, 2023
September 29, 2023
Completed applications for a seat on the ACCP Board are due to the Governance Chair and ACCP CEO.
October 3, 2023
October 9-November 3, 2023
December 15, 2023
Step 2: Process for Selecting a Slate of Board Candidates and Electing New Directors
December 5, 2023
December 7-15, 2023
January 4-12, 2024
January 12, 2024
January 15, 2024
Step 3: Orientation and Board Service for Elected Directors
February, 2024
March, 2024
April 2024-2027
1 – The Governance Committee identifies a target number of Board members it aspires to bring on each year and will prioritize qualifications based on the needs of the Board and its current composition. The Board may choose to elect no new Board members in the current cycle, provided that it is aligned with requirements in the Bylaws.
2 – The names of nominees will be kept strictly confidential among members of the Board until the final slate of candidates is approved. The names of nominees who are not selected for the final slate of candidates will remain confidential. Nominees who are not elected to the Board may submit again for nomination in future cycles.
3 – Each member company has one Delegate vote, an affirmative vote indicates approval to elect, and a majority is required to elect the candidates.