ACCP and YourCause from Blackbaud recently surveyed the corporate social impact field to better understand the trends impacting corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) professionals. The 2023 survey was conducted in April and garnered responses from 149 companies representing more than $1B in community investment.

The survey report, along with key data points, graphs, and insights, shares results from those in the profession regarding several areas of the CSR and ESG ecosystem, including terminology, budgets, staffing, employee volunteerism, priority social issues, C-Suite commitment, and increased impact.

Key Findings

The ever-increasing demands on and responsibilities of corporate social impact teams are creating adverse consequences.

Increases in grantmaking budgets slowed for the first time since before the pandemic, and cuts inched higher.

Corporate structures and terminology are changing as the relevance of corporate social impact grows and the work evolves.

The top three issue areas companies are prioritizing are environmental sustainability, education, and food insecurity.

Participation in employee volunteerism is increasing and continues to adapt to the changing workplace.

White women continue to dominate the corporate social impact profession. However, teams are significantly more diverse if the team leader is a person of color.

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