Carolyn Berkowitz, ACCP
We are proud to introduce ACCP’s new brand, which reflects our ongoing mission to empower corporate citizenship leaders to strengthen their companies and improve the world. This new look and feel recognizes that our field and our association are ever-evolving, and reflects the energy and vibrancy that you, our members, bring to corporate citizenship every day.
Our new logo is multi-dimensional. The icon represents people, planet, and profit—the three components of the triple bottom line that our members achieve through their work. It also represents ACCP’s value proposition—we connect, challenge, and champion our more than 210 member companies and serve as a strategic resource for our community of purpose-driven professionals to help them create sustainable impact.
The changes are not only cosmetic. You’ll also notice that our website has been redesigned to streamline your experience and make it easier for you to find the information, tools, and contacts you need to act purposefully within your company. Make sure to take a look at our new features, such as our simplified Member Resources or a glimpse into ACCP’s history, and update your bookmarks with our new URL,
Finally, the rebrand is a preview of what’s to come.
Over the coming months, we’ll be introducing new resources and member services on, based on feedback you’ve given us. The first tools we’ll debut are: 1) Making the Case, a compilation of the best data out there for making the business case for corporate citizenship, and 2) the re-launch of ACCP Communities, our online member resource groups that facilitate real-time connections among members with shared interests. New research, topical blogs, and practical one-pagers will be rolled out over the coming months and featured in our Resource Library and in upcoming webcasts.
Why now?
We know that you can’t wait months, or even weeks, for timely information and connections to help you be more successful in the fast-paced world of CSR and Sustainability. We also know that you can’t spend any extra time searching for data that you need at your fingertips right now. Lastly, we believe that having a more accessible connection to ACCP and to one another will give you confidence to advance your company’s goals with the support of our learning community.
ACCP is the membership association for corporate citizenship professionals. Our new brand and tools are one way that we can help to further elevate our members and our field. We can’t wait to see what more we accomplish together in the days, months, and years to come.
Carolyn Berkowitz
President and CEO, ACCP